Back in Stock/Get Notified
Do y'all remember me mentioning the new thing I have on my online shop, a new notification service wherein you can leave your email to get an automagic message when I've restocked an item? It turns out that I can get a report of the items people most want to see back in stock, which is really going to help me in the sense of giving me an idea of what to make first. I'm more likely to move something to the top of the list of "to do" if I know someone is interested in it.
Speaking of being interested, this notification is for just that - not that you necessarily want to purchase it right this second, but that you want to be notified when it is back in stock. There's absolutely no obligation to purchase just because you signed up to be notified about its return!
But back to how I decide what to make. There are almost always things that I want to make... but sometimes I don't really have an idea of what other people want me to make (especially if they're just patiently waiting for me to restock something). So being able to get a weekly report of things that people really do want, that's going to help form my work flow.
An example? Let's take Cranberries in the Marion base. I'm out of stock in it, and as I usually dye yarn in pairs, and I don't have a second base yarn that needs to be dyed in that color, I will put off dyeing it until I do. But if I get a report that says someone is interested in getting it, I might go ahead and dye up two of them in the same base, rather than waiting for it to sell out in something else.
So this Back in Stock notification is turning out to be something that's not just useful for you in that you'll get an email when I make more, but it also might come back into stock faster if I know people are interested in it.