Continued from last Monday, a peek inside my dayplanner/bulletjournal, and a peek inside my head and how I plan things!
Day 6: Resolutions
I don't really do New Year's resolutions -- I've seen too many people put too much heart into "I'm going to change ALL THE THINGS on the 1st!" and then show up for brunch tired and hungover from the night before, angry at themselves for not getting up at o'dark thirty to run fifteen miles and eat lettuce (your mileage may vary). I've seen too many people set themselves up for failure, and then get berate themselves for not sticking to their resolutions. I beat up on myself enough, I don't need self-imposed failed goals as a reason. I'm either going to do things, or I'm not.
As a result, my "resolutions" are the same as they are every other day of the year, and while I printed these out for the challenge, I don't have them written in my bullet journal anywhere; they're written in my soul. ... Be kind. Do good work. Be generous with your time and your heart. Bring good things into the world. Be better than you were the day before. Be the light.
Day 7: Repeat Tasks & Events
There are things I don't need reminders of every day, but then, there sure are things that I do! I mean, you'd *think* I'd remember to clean out the cat boxes and do the dishes every day, wouldn't you? Yes. You'd certainly think so. HAHAHAHA. But because I can't, I have a tracker. Daily reminders of things to do, and it's easy to tell which ones I'm not doing or not doing all the time, because they won't have check marks.
This also where I track things like doing inventory for supplies, or my numbers on Pinterest... other things I want to keep track of as well as reminders.
Day 8: Work & Personal. Combined? Separate?
It hasn't always been this in my life, but for where I am now, combined.
I'm self-employed and work at home (well, work on the same property where I live; my studio is about 100 feet away from the house) and I do something that I love and would be doing anyway even if it were just a hobby. Well, even if it were *still* just a hobby, since it's something I've been doing as a hobby since I was about two years old, which I now do for a living.
So, for where I am now (as in, not working for "The Man", not working for someone else, having my work schedule imposed on me by other people's goals and timelines) my work and my personal life are very much in alignment, on the same path, facing the same direction and going there together. As such, my bullet journal is for both work and personal combined.
(I skipped Day 9, Personal Development, and Day 10, School/Studies, as I don't really have anything in my planner that pertains to either of those topics...)
Day 11: Professional Development
I skipped the 9th (Personal Development) and the 10th (School/Studies) because those aren't things I have going on in my bullet journal; professional development, though? That's a one-two punch with my bujo and my 2016 planner/workbook. With those two, I am unstoppable! On fire! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Er, well, I'm at least motivated and on top of things. First I do Lisa Jacobs' prompts in the planner/workbook, which are insightful and helpful, and then I transfer much of the time-sensitive plans to my planner when I'm plotting out that month.
(Then I skipped Day 12, Financial Plans, Day 13, Major life Events, and Day 14, Multiple Schedules.... again, I don't use my bullet journal for those so didn't feel I had anything to bring to the table.)
Day 15: Day to Day
I was going to skip this one (which is why it's late) because I thought I didn't have anything else to say after talking about my layouts on the 5th; but after looking over what some other people have said, I decided to revisit it.
In a traditional, by-the-numbers bullet journal one lays out one day at a time, usually the day before. Because mine is mostly about work, and there are things I need to plan in advance and/or that take up the entire week with different tasks in order to complete an over-arching goal, I lay out a week at a time, usually a month in advance.
My spread is a two-page per week spread, with things specific to the days on the left, and an open page for notes, doodles, lists, "don't forget to" things on the right.
An empty box in front of a task denotes something that needs to be done. A half-filled box means a half-completed task, and a full box means that task is done. Sometimes I will not be able to get to something (like winding yarn on the 15th) and at the end of the week I'll move those unfinished tasks to the next week.
And that's it for this post! If you have any questions or want me to go more in-depth in anything, just leave a comment. And come back next Monday when I'll talk about days 16-22!