Last week was so busy I didn’t have time for a blog post, and this week I’m just now getting my feet under me for the week. So…. Where does that leave us?!
In ceramics, I’m playing around with piece designs for the upcoming May Limited Collection/HaldeCrate, and I’m playing around with color choices for the revamp of the Honeycomb Collection. I’m also still working on shapes for the Honeycomb Collection, but I’m pretty sure I have it narrowed down.
In soap, I have a small update this week, need to get some wrapped for a small update next week, and then… The Grand 100 Pound of Soap Making Week begins! Keep in mind it’s not the making of the soap that takes long, it’s the wrapping… so as I get stuff made I’ll start wrapping, but then I’ll probably do small weekly updates like I have been doing rather than a grand sweeping release of all of it at once (if I wait until I get all 300 bars wrapped, it’ll be quite some time….!). I know waiting for things you want to appear can be frustrating; I will have so much base I can take on some custom orders, and if you get to me this week with your list of wants, I can take care of you first. I appreciate your patience! Who knew making everything by hand took so long!?! ( * gives self the side-eye * )
In yarn, not a whole lot is going on this week. I’m making a list of out of stock colorways to restock, but that’s about it for yarn. Oh! I did mail out the Patreon yarn, though, so start checking your mailboxes soon - you’ll be getting the colorway I’m coming out with in March, which personally I’ve already cast on with (pair of socks; nobody was surprised).
In HaldeCrate, Mardi Gras came out last week, and the next Limited Collection will be coming out in May. As I said above, I’m working on narrowing down what pieces I want to make (hint: ALL OF THEM).
In Patreon, I’m going over the chapter I’ll be posting Sunday (first Sunday of the month gets a new installment), and (shocking) I already have about half of the next chapter written. What?! Who am I?!
In knitting, as I said above, I just cast on a new pair of socks in the upcoming March colorway (Patreon yarnies, check your mailboxes soon!). I don’t want to give it away yet, so … shhhh! I’ll be posting the color in a week or two.
In other things… someone remind me to do supply orders today! I’ve been meaning to do a supply order every day since last Thursday and it keeps getting pushed aside… I’m afraid I might run out of printer paper and 10x8x6 boxes if I don’t get my stuff together soon.
That’s about it for me. Last week was crazy-go-nuts busy, and I think I’m just now starting to recover from that, get my feet back under me, feel productive instead of pulled in a bunch of different directions. I may even have time/energy to vend at the Farmer’s Market this Friday….? Depending on the weather? But enough about me! What about you? What are you up to? What are you doing this week? Are you overwhelmed? Underwhelmed and filled with ennui? Tell me about your new favorite binge-worthy Netflix show! Or your new favorite author! Or what you’re filling your days with!