Oooof, y'all. You know that children's book, "If you Give a Mouse a Cookie"? How about one for self-employed artists called "Could a Gal Get a Break"?!
I still have some things going on behind the scenes that have sucked up more than the time I wanted to give to them, and because of that, I'm behind in a lot of things. Everything??? But it's on the way to being resolved and once it is, I'll talk about it so you can see why I haven't been as productive lately.
Meanwhile, I don't feel very productive today! I forget if I've mentioned it, but the roof of my studio has needed some work done. I've been putting it off (ignoring it) for a couple of years now but when I noticed after the last hurricane that part of the roof looked like it was starting to sag, I thought ... I can't put this off. It took a while to wrangle everything together but today there are six guys up on my studio roof taking off the shingles and tar and laying down slats and a new tin roof. That roof may actually outlast me, haha. Anyway, they asked me not to work in there while they're working, for safety reasons. So I'm over here in the house, trying to remember everything I think of when I'm in the studio that I need to do just on the computer. Like blogging!
I did just go out and water my blackberries and check on my seedlings, so that's my gardening done for the day. Unless I want to drag out the unopened raised beds that just got here, and put them together out in the garden. We'll see how much computer work I get done, and if I need a break at some point, and if I can sneak in there and get the boxes if the guys take a lunch break.
Honestly, that's about all I've gotten done this week. Yarn club is dyed and drying, and with February only having 28 days, I'll be lucky if I can get it out with a postage date of the last day of the month. I've been having some kiln issues and haven't been able to even bisque fire the February ceramics yet, let alone get them glazed and glaze fired, so those are going to be late as well. I don't even want to talk about my writing.
Heavy sigh.
I'll tell you why being late bothers me. Years ago when I owned a yarn store, and Ravelry was just getting big (if you're not a yarnie, the best way to describe it is like Facebook for knitters and crocheters), there was a scandal with an online yarn seller. Not one we used, but because it revolved around a yarn club, and we had a yarn club, we were particularly interested in the gossip. Someone has helpfully written all of it up and posted here on Reddit, but the tl;dr is that a yarn club dyer got in over her head with orders and faked having leukemia to get out of her responsibility, but she was busted for not actually having leukemia or being in the hospital at all, but "people" kept insisting she was sick, and then that she had died, but then (again!) she was busted for actually still being alive. It's an absolutely bonkers story and a good read, if you've never heard of it.
Anyway. I'm not going to fake my own death, or even my own sickness (shit, I seem to get sick enough in real life this last year, I don't need to fake it!), but her story is something I think about every time I'm late with something. I don't want to be That Person, I don't want to be accused of being That Person, I don't even want people to entertain a brief thought that I might be That Person.
Which is why I apologize a lot (maybe too much) when I'm running behind.
The end.
Uh, oh, yeah! Happy Wednesday! What are you working on? Do tell!