Real brief WiP Wednesday post this week.
I'm sorry/not sorry to drag out the kiln drama -- I'll tell the whole story next Wednesday.
Meanwhile, I'll have a small update this Friday of some things that I've been sitting on while trying to get some other things fired, plus, the last of the soap I made back in December that I never had time to wrap. Not being able to fire anything has given me the time to finish wrapping all that soap, if nothing else. Yay?
I will admit to you that I've been holding out on y'all - while I've only been talking about the kiln issues publicly for a week or so, they've actually been going on since late January. I've been trying to drag out some other things, spacing my posts, trying to buy time while I figured out what to do. Why? I mean, I didn't want to lie to everyone, for sure. But I also didn't want to be asked a lot of questions I didn't know the answer to, and I didn't want to publicly flip out (because BELIEVE ME I have 1000% been flipping out behind the scenes). I decided I didn't want to even start talking about it until the situation was resolved, whatever form "resolved" took.
Again... sorry/not sorry to be so vague. I just need a few more days to catch up/get some things done before posting the entire story, and I have a busy few days coming up where I won't be in the studio much, other than to send out any orders.
Meanwhile, enjoy this picture of my old lady cat, Moya (named after the starship on Farscape - her sister, Serenity, named after the ship on Firefly, passed three years ago). I tossed that blanket there after bringing it in from drying outside, and since then she's taken it over as her Most Favored Napping Spot so I guess the blanket lives there now!
Thank you for bearing with me. Again, small shop update this Friday!