Whew. What a couple of weeks, y'all! When last we left our intrepid hero... she was suffering from a sore throat. That turned out to NOT be post-nasal drip from an allergy attack... it turned out to be an abscess that needed an emergency surgical procedure in the ER followed by a few days of major painkillers and ten days of antibiotics. GOOD TIMES, y'all! So I was already feeling a little behind in work, and then I couldn't work for almost a week. This week I'm alternating between trying to remember what I was doing before I got sick, and catching up on ALL THE THINGS.
In ceramics, I'm working on buttons, buttons, I've got the buttons! Glazing. Counting. Photographing. Making more. If it has to do with buttons, I'm doing it! I'm listing new buttons as I take them out of the kiln and get them photographed, so keep your eye on that section.
I'm also moving some things over to my usually-not-much-happening Etsy site; I try to beef it up a little in July and August, for holiday shoppers who look for handmade things on a popular handmade thing site, and it just so happens that with switching out the clay and colors of my crocheted doily items, I have some extra things floating around right now. So I'm taking new photos and listing old things over there.
I've also reevaluated my timeline for the next line of ceramics, and am looking at releasing The Sharon Collection at the end of October.
In soap, not a lot is going on right now. I still have a few bars that I made about a month ago and haven't had time to wrap... and the soap for the subscription service went out about ten days ago so July's doesn't need to go out for another two weeks.
In yarn, I'm supposed to be dyeing yarn this week but due to being sick am just now getting around to making my "needs" list today. I am planning a new colorway for the shop - Salted Caramel - and am contemplating what I want to do special for the Florida Fiber-In, in Orlando in September. Of course I'll be there that weekend (September 15-17) and I'd love to see you if you're in the area!
In other things... well, the first paragraph was about it! Sick for a good ten days. At first in so much pain I couldn't concentrate to work, and then on the couch on painkillers, unable to make myself do anything but nap. I'm feeling a lot better now, thank you for asking... even if I did wake up at 3 this morning convinced that my throat hurt again and my old nemesis, the abscess, was coming back. I'm sure that was just my paranoid 3 AM imagination... my throat feels fine, now, at 2 in the afternoon.
How about y'all? What are you up to this week?