My two main focuses this week aren't really great to photograph.... I'm evaluating this year, what I did, what worked and what didn't, and how I want to apply that to next year (insert photo of me sitting like "The Thinker") ... and I'm cleaning up the studio and getting ready for an Open House on Saturday (insert me walking from one end of the studio to the other with a broom, paper towels, and some Simple Green). Great images, eh?! So, what's happening that IS worth a picture....?
In ceramics, I'm getting ready to glaze the November mug (a nod to the Sportsball fans). This one is slipcast, as I'm running out of time and ideas for thrown mugs, and only seem to have ideas for slipcast ones these days. I'm also thinking about salt and pepper shakers, and tiki mugs, and yarn bowls, and egg trays. And I'm thinking about mugs for next year. Was my Mug a Month thing only for this year? Should I do it next year as well? If I do it next year, am I then locked into doing it every year? Will it become A Thing? Or should I choose something else, maybe, bowls? Serving trays? I don't know, and this coffee getting cold on my desk is not helping me decide. Feel free to chime in if you have strong feelings!
In soap there's not much going on at the moment. I'm getting ready to release acorn soaps Friday, I need to wrap the maple leaf soaps, and I need to make a list of sold-out soaps that need to be restocked (although truthfully I may wait until after the Open House for that so I can add any that sell out then).
In yarn there's not much going on at the moment, either. I've mailed out October yarn and after Saturday will start winding November yarn. I'm about half-way done making the swag for that. And spots will open for the January - March club soon! Next week, in fact!
In other things... well, I pretty much mentioned all that in the first paragraph. It's the time of year I start to evaluate and plan, so that's going on in my head. I may actually blog some of that process; I'm not completely satisfied with my choices this last year and talking about it out loud may help me to define why.
But what about y'all? What are you working on (or avoiding working on) this week? What's going on with you?