Collection: Autographed Books - Joe Haldeman
What is there to say about the inimitable Joe Haldeman?

Named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Joe Haldeman has earned steady awards over his 54-year career: his novels THE FOREVER WAR and FOREVER PEACE both made clean sweeps of the Hugo and Nebula Awards, and he has won three more Hugos and three more Nebulas for other novels and shorter works. Three times he’s won the Rhysling Award for best SF poem of the year. He won the World Fantasy Award for short story in 1993 for “Graves.” In 2012 he was inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. His latest novels are a trilogy, MARSBOUND, STARBOUND and EARTHBOUND, and a stand-alone WORK DONE FOR HIRE. The graphic novels of THE FOREVER WAR and FOREVER PEACE are out from Titan. Joe was a combat soldier in Vietnam, which strongly influences some of his work. When Joe’s not writing or teaching – he’s retired from M.I.T., where he taught every fall semester for 30 years -- he paints, bicycles, plays the guitar, and spends as much time as he can out under the stars as an amateur astronomer.
These are all autographed books, many of them first editions, and are priced accordingly. Shipping is usually within 24-48 hours, barring weekends, postal holidays, or hurricanes. In order to have such a quick turnaround, these are already autographed and can not be inscribed or have any personal notes added by the author, as they are already out of his hands and at HaldeCraft Headquarters. More books will be added and/or restocked, as we are able to! Thanks, y'all!